Al mughni ibnu qudamah
Al mughni ibnu qudamah

al mughni ibnu qudamah

They have a certain taste in the heart, and they spring forth from a person’s nature.” – Ibn Qudamah Ibn Qudamah said: “A disbeliever cannot be the wali of a Muslim woman under any circumstances, according to scholarly consensus.” Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi rahimahullah said: “Truly, the Salaf used to love whoever makes them aware of their deficiencies, and the most hated people to us now are those who make us recognise our deficiencies.” Ibn Qudâmah said: “The Salaf used to forbid others from sitting with the innovators, looking into their books, and listening to their speech.“

al mughni ibnu qudamah

“Fear and hope (in Allah) are two medicines for the heart” – Ibn Qudamah Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Chess is like dice in that it is forbidden.” (al-Mughni, 14/155) (online) Diakses tanggal 6 Oktober 2016.Ibn Qudaamah (May Allah have mercy on him) was a Muslim preacher. Beirut: Dar Ihya’ At-Turots.Īl-Fauzan, Sholih bin Fauzan. Hasyiyata Qolyubi wa ‘Amiroh ‘Ala Syarhi Al-Mahalli ‘ala Al-Minhaj. Riyadh: Dar Ash-Shumai’i li An-Nasyri wa At-Tauzi’.Īl-Qolyubi, Ahmad Salamah, dan Ahmad Al-Burullusi ‘Amiroh. Fiqhu Al-Mu’amalat Al-Maliyyah Al-Mu’ashiroh (cet.2). Ar-Riyadh: Dar Al-Ifta’.Īl-Khotslan, Sa’ad bin Turki. Jam’iyyatu Al-Muwadhdhofin wa Ahkamuha fi Al-Fiqhi Al-Islami dalam Ar-Ri-asah Al-‘Ammah li Idaroti Al-Buhuts Al-‘Ilmiyyah wa Al-Ifta’ wa Ad-Da’wah wa Al-Irsyad, Majallah Al-Buhuts Al-‘Ilmiyyah Al-Islamiyyah. Al-Madinah Al-Munawwaroh: Markaz Khidmati As-Sunnah wa As-Siroh An-Nabawiyyah.Īl-Jibrin, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. Musnad Al-Harist/Bughyatu Al-Bahits ‘An Zawaidi Musnad Al-Harits (cet.1). Beirut: Dar Ibni Katsir.Īl-Haitsami, Abu Al-Hasan. All the arguments which forbid them can be explained by their weaknesses because they are not in accordance with the facts of arisan and the facts of the dalil which are used as the evidence.Īl-Bukhari, Muhammad bin Isma’il. Arisan is included into mubah due to the fact that arisan is a qordh (debts), while the Islamic law allows the qordh contract and the Messenger of Allah i himself also performed the qordh contract. After being studied, it was found that the strongest law for arisan is mubah. This research is a library research with a qualitative approach. What is the Islamic jurisprudence law related to arisan? From this study, it is expected that those who want to know the ruling of arisan can get good valuable data to position themselves as followers of the haram fatwa of arisan and the mubah fatwa of arisan. Therefore, it is important to know the strongest opinions among the various fatwas and their arguments. There are also those who consider it mubah with conditions and there are also those who consider it as makruh. Some of them consider it haram and some of them consider it mubah.

al mughni ibnu qudamah

Contemporary scholars have different opinions regarding this “muamalah”. Arisan is a common tradition in Indonesia and also practiced in the countries of Muslims in various parts of the world.

Al mughni ibnu qudamah